The New London Garden Club at a Glance
The New London Garden Club appreciates New London!
We have exceptionally hardworking Town, Police, Fire, and healthcare professionals who care for us. New London is beautiful, thanks to all the businesses and individuals who create stunning gardens. We have outstanding music, theater, sports and hiking opportunities. Indeed, our area is special.
For our part, every year the New London Garden Club:
Plants and maintains 14 pocket gardens in New London & Elkins
Creates and distributes 35 Christmas wreaths and swags for local buildings
Offers free public programs on gardening-related topics
Awards scholarships to KRHS students
Sponsors an annual Wildflower Project for KRES third graders
Offers members social events, workshops, and field trips
Publishes a quarterly newsletter for members
Provides Tracy Library with flower arrangements
Members volunteer in the Garden at Tracy Library and at The Fells
Supports local organizations
Participates in Meet the Chamber night, the Hospital Days parade
and the Pumpkin People contest
Maintains this website, listing monthly programs
Offers creative fundraising projects like Boxwood Trees
and the recent Secret Gardens of New London garden tour
Most of all, the New London Garden Club
appreciates and welcomes interested new members!

Welcome to the New London Garden Club
New London Garden Club members have a strong interest in gardening, flower arranging, and the protection and perpetuation of desirable native plants and birds. Through its Civic Beauty program, the Club maintains 14 pocket gardens in New London, New Hampshire. Outstanding gardens along Main Street and Newport Road are recognized every summer with the Garden Club Award. In the fall, the Garden Club participates in the Pumpkin People celebration; in 2022, our entry featured pumpkin bees in the Bee Kind display on Homan Corner, near Spring Ledge Farm. In 2023, the theme was It Takes a Village.
Monthly programs, held on the second Tuesday of the month, feature interesting guest speakers and announcements of upcoming workshops and other events.